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This past weekend, my carefully planned brunch plans were derailed by laziness and rain. I quickly whisked some eggs, sectioned a grapefruit and prepared a simple salad. This very basic recipe requires little more than five minutes and your pantry staples. Adjust proportions accordingly.

*When using very few ingredients quality is essential. Nothing compares to the bright orange yoke of your local farmer’s eggs. Just saying.

10 large eggs
1/2 cup grated parmesan
Handful of chopped chives, or herb of your choice
Salt and pepper to taste
Dash of olive oil
Pat of butter

1. Crack all the eggs in a bowl and whisk together. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Heat olive oil over low flame.
3. Add butter to oil and melt. Take care not to let the butter brown.
4. Keeping the flame on low, add eggs to pan.
5. Once the eggs have begun to set, move gently with wooden spoon, until the entire mixture has solidified but is still wet.
6. Turn off flame and remove plan from heat. Toss in cheese and herbs and stir.
7. Serve over bed of greens with garnish of your choice.